Tuesday, May 01, 2007


There are lots of battles about the existence of Jesus. Some are scholarly battles, some are emotional battles and some are simply two entrenched sides that simply cannot communicate.

I humbly offer my thoughtful argument about the existence of Jesus.

What would you do (WWYD) if you had Jesus capabilities?

Make a list.

Then compare it to what Jesus did.

Decide if you could have been a better Jesus than Jesus was. If you think you could have been a better Jesus, then perhaps, the all-powerful, all-knowing Jesus did not exist. Clearly if you can conceive of what you would do as Jesus and Jesus didn't accomplish those goals, he either didn't exist, wasn't as powerful or knowledgeable as people claim.

So, I've come up with my own list.

1) I'd create a series of books containing the knowledge of science that can be attained with a human mentality. These books would be written in all the existing languages of the time and all future languages, because as the son of god, I'd be able to do that.

2) I'd write many stories showing the commonality of human existence and that tolerance of others is really tolerance for yourself.

3) I'd live for as long as possible to ensure that my healing abilities and wisdom would be available for as long as possible. Consider, that since Jesus was the son of god he should be able to live as long as Methuselah, Noah, or Adam. So, Jesus should be able to live for hundreds to a thousand years with no problem. In fact, Jesus should be able to live longer since he's the son of god and not just your ordinary human.

4) I would be able to change the minds of the leaders of humans whenever they were going down the 'wrong' path. By wrong, I basically mean the path for fighting over resources, ideology, etc. This power is demonstrated by god against Pharaoh, so it should be no problem. Even if, as Jesus, I wouldn't have complete control over the country's leader's mind, at least highly influence would help prevent some death and destruction.

5) I would note in any common calendar form (of the present or the future) the time and place of natural disasters that would result in massive loss of life. This way, people would have full knowledge of their decisions in terms of Earthquakes, hurricanes, meteor hits or any other natural disaster that foreknowledge would result in saved lives.

6) I'd have lots of children. Since Jesus is 1/2 god, then his children would in turn, be 1/4 god. That presumably would be more god than the rest of us have. The children of Jesus, I should think, would have better capabilities than ordinary humans and could serve to fill the Earth with people who are healers, can read and write, have knowledge beyond the knowledge of the average person and can act as judges in conflicts to preserve the existence of humanity and the improvement of humanity on in to the future.

7) I would take the time to educate people personally and found institutions for learning. Further, I'd bless or aid the graduating students who have learned a lot with good luck (better than the normal person) so that they too, could be a path to helping other humans.

8) I'd teach about and in turn have others teach about basic hygiene. God might not want me to prevent disease totally but paradoxically allow me to treat disease; however, I can do what I can to prevent disease from spreading. If I could I'd have a powwow with god and request that diseases not be of the lethal variety.

So, did you have any good ideas on what you would do if you were Jesus (WWYD)? Better than my ideas or in addition to my ideas? I'd love to hear about them.

But the critical questions should be asked. Why didn't Jesus do them? Why did he foolishly waste his life when his living for hundreds of years was more than possible and the amount of people he could have helped directly could have been many times greater than committing suicide by governmental execution? Having a line of Jesus descendants through time helping humanity - is there some reason this would be a bad idea? If there was one person that needed to have a few hundred kids over his lifetime, it would be Jesus.

If he offered proof of his existence to the people of his time and they did not need faith, his existence on through time wouldn't have affected people being able to go to heaven (if in fact anybody gets to go to heaven) so why not choose to live?

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