Wednesday, May 30, 2007

US as Police of the World

Over time the USA has come to represent itself as the police of the world. We were there to police Vietnam and prevent the spread of communism in a domino effect to our doorstep. We have done many things including encourage dictators who torture and kill people just to keep allies in power.

In the end though, what do you expect of the police and when are you most disappointed in the police?

We expect the police to obey the law. We are most disappointed in the police when they break the law.

The USA cannot even have the appearance of breaking the law if it wants to be an effective fighter for justice. In this article it is discussed that a subdivision of a major company in the US is being brought up on charges for aiding in the transport of prisoners to places where there aren't any defenses to these prisoners rights.

I was a member of the US military for 10 years. I have to say that the idea of torturing military members for gain is not only unethical, but is illegal by treaties and laws which bind the US. The Geneva Convention covers military ethics and torture.

So, how is it that civilians are being kidnapped and whisked away to areas where who knows what is being done to them? Who knows? There is a significant problem with this setup in that it does not allow for oversight.

In the TV series 24 unethical actions are performed in cases of severe threat to a large population. Since it is a TV series, these things are well-defined. Nuclear weapon going off in the US territory and things like that.

But who determines what is a severe threat to a large population? What in fact consists of such a threat? Is there a commission that determines that the information x, y and z equals nuclear threat and unethical action should be taken to determine who is doing it, when it is going to happen and stop it from happening? Or is it some men in a closed room, talking to each other, afraid that another 9/11 might happen and going after everyone with the possibility of causing such an event?

Our society in the USA and our technological achievements are indicative of the openness of our society, not the decisions that are handled behind closed doors. McCarthyism is what happens when we enter closed sessions to discuss and jail people. It is the primary direction we are headed in at present.

But if we can't be a moral example to everyone - especially those groups that we go over to police, we simply don't have any authority or respect and no reason these people should follow us.

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