Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Government Wants You Dead

Periodically, a new story comes out how an aging person is being denied benefits because they have in some way shape or form been reported as dead.

Now I understand that government is a group of very complex processes; however, the governments knowledge of you being alive or dead should be very clear and easy to understand.

Either the responsible agency has an official death certificate for the person or they do not. In the absence of such a document or legal copy they cannot and must not assume for any reason that a person is dead.

Insult is added to injury when a person is reported dead and no one reaches out to that person or their family on the phone to make the official determination. The government is acting on unknown and false data or hearsay to make an official action.

Not to mention that they may be hurting the people who need the monetary and medical help the most and people who have lived long lives as good citizens of our country in the absence of evidence!

What a person is 95 years old do they assume they are dead? Would you want this to happen to you?

In a world where many people live long lives and the average life expectancy is in the 70's - the government needs to step in and say that in the absence of evidence a person is alive. If they investigate and they find the person has died, that's different.

But all too often the government is taking actions not in accordance with its directives.

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