Monday, April 09, 2007

Credit Card Woes II

You know, sometimes I wonder about credit card companies and how they can survive. They practice such unethical business processes that it is a wonder they aren't sued out of existence.

For example, my wife and I had a Chase MasterCard through Amazon. It wasn't originally Chase, as we've had issue with Chase before, but Amazon changed who they were working with so now it is a Chase MasterCard.

We made a transfer from Chase to another credit card with a better rate for 5K. Three months later, Chase tells us that the payment never posted. In the meantime, unfortunately, we had to use the card so when they replaced the 3K on to the card, we went over the credit limit. The funny thing about it is that neither the issuing bank (my wife's credit union) nor Chase notified us that anything was wrong until things were fundamentally screwed up.

So, retroactively, they put us overlimit for 3 months, charged us a bunch of penalties and temporarily closed our account. They indicated if we made the account whole again they would open the account up again.

So, instead of paying the card to make it whole, we paid them a few thousand, and then moved the rest of the balance to other cards and called and said you know what, we don't want to deal with you.

You know why we'll never go back to Chase? Because the bitch on the phone started talking down to me when I was trying to straighten things out. "Didn't you notice 5K of your debt disappeared?" WTF lady, am I supposed to keep after credit card companies to make sure they do their business with money straight? Exactly which one of us is in the business of money? I know what I'm in the business of right now, taking care of 1 then 3 year old and one 4 month old. If you can't catch a problem with a payment for 3 months, I fail to see how I should be penalized at all. If I bounce a regular check, guess what, I know about it instantly. Exactly, why couldn't that happen with a balance transfer check.

End result is that they put 30 to 60 days late on my credit report and I paid their account off and I won't be using Chase ever again.

And you know, its funny, I really like Amazon as a company and I was more than happy to move over to an Amazon Mastercard for purchases with them. Whatever side business they did for having their name on the card, gone. I'll still use Amazon for a lot of purchases, but screw trying to do business with any of their financial products.

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