Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Notes on current News #1

Science continues its decline in the Western world.

Consider that once - science was core to the Muslim world. Today and for a couple of centuries this has not been the case.

It should be noted that an increase in religosity is what killed of science and philosophical thought in Muslim society.

This is what is happening here in the Western World.

There aren't enough physics teachers in the UK.
Entropy in UK

Top biologists abandon the best colleges in the United States because they are not free here to do the research necessary.
Stem Cell Scientists

Genetically modified food is feared in Europe and in the United States it is prevalent but society in general is blithely unaware that it is happening. It is uncontrolled. Either policy is dangerous.

And now we have problems getting corporate America to supply funding for a Darwin exhibition at a major museum.

We are turning our backs on science - science which is literally the hand the feeds us, earns our great incomes and makes our countries flourish.

Seems there is no way to stop history from repeating itself. I suspect though - that this time through the cycle there will not be so much time in the Interregnum, and the state of science will overall be higher throughout this Interregnum.


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