Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Time, writing and blogs

Hello everyone - including one day my son perhaps.

I have not written in this blog for some time, but that does not mean that I have been inactive. I have written many articles on a website called Useless-knowledge.

It is a great site and I encourage anyone that feels strongly about something to test their writing skills by writing an article on Useless-knowledge.

In showing my connection with Useless-knowledge I expose my real-world identity and connect it to this blog.

I have some concerns that this blog certainly talks about my philosophical beliefs - which are atheist - and that in some future I might be looking for a job and the potential employer might do a web search and find this blog and my articles and decide they do not want to hire an atheist.

Well, if that is the case with some future employer - so be it.

I will at times write some more on this blog - things that I will not write on Useless-knowledge. After all the topic of this blog is something eventually for my son to read and understand who his father was. Even if I am alive in the future it seems likely that the me of the future will not be the me of the present.

Alexander Flynn

List of Articles written on Useless-knowledge:
(20 articles and Over 20,000 words)

In Regard To Skip And Jack

We Live On A Planet Where There Are Many Religions

The List Of Right Questions

Atheists Are No Joking Matter [I Fear Them]

Faulty Airplane Defense

The Unparalleled Movie Experience

The Unparalleled Movie Experience Part 2

Science Education Controlled By Politics Is Worthless

The Future: Stem Cells

John Bolton: Job Applicant

The Good Man Noah

The Return of the Airship

Toy Review: Teen Titans

City in the Air/ Wherever I May Roam

Terrorism: Source and Solution

The Unparalleled Movie Experience: Coda

Tuberculosis in Africa - an evolutionary danger to us all

Toy Review: Toys You Build With Your Child

Wheelchairs: Inadequate for the Handicapped

Rebuilding New Orleans – The Legacy of Hurricane Katrina


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