Sunday, September 25, 2005

More recent articles and looking for a new venue

Hey everyone,
I've written a few more articles that have not been reported on this blog.

One theory I advance on how to reduce gasoline prices. This theory has a lot of side benefits as well, but it is unlikely to be explored by our culture. People have this feeling that they are better than that here in the US. Plus it would change the places people would live (implied) because you wouldn't be able to live so far away from work. I think I have more to say on this subject. I did get two e-mail comments on this article - which is great. They both had criticisms - that I think are not necessarily deal-breakers - but certainly should be noted in any plan to implement my idea.
The Solution To High Gasoline Prices

I wrote an article on the cartoon that I enjoy watching - with my son as well - InuYasha. I don't know why - because I wasn't heavy in to romantic notions when I was younger - but I really like the romance theme in the InuYasha series. I've also seen a movie called Urusei Yastura "Beautiful Dreamer" - that had a heavy romance theme in it. There are lots of moral themes in both shows as well. InuYasha has a heavier candy coating of blood, guts and battles than Urusei Yatsura - but then again that is partially a result of the context of where the shows occur.
I will be renting as much of Urusei Yatsura and InuYasha as I can from Netflix in the coming months and hope to write more about both series - and perhaps television and movies in general and the answer to the question "Why are they important to us?" It would deal a lot with the idea that similarity of experience allows people to understand each other.

It seems that Useless-Knowledge news commentary website has been delisted as news from both yahoo and google news reporting aspects. This is unfortunate. It appears that some articels that people found offensive about Natalee Holloway irked people in to complaining to Yahoo and Google for listing it as news. Censorship works - even from commercial resources. So, now useless-knowledge will have a smaller readership. This is unfortunate.

If everything in society is removed because a small number of people complain about it - there will be very little left. These people have a right to say what they want no matter how offensive it might be to some people. If it really offends you - you have to take action in a just and moral way - not in an immoral way that limits the abilities of other people. The appropriate reaction to people offended by the Natalee Holloway articles is to write articles defending her and her mother and stating that these people are not like that.

But not, oh things are offensive - we need to take free expression from these folks the only way we can. By complaining and having them removed from a forum that allows free expression.

So, anyway, anyone reading this - if you have any news websites or commentary websites that allow people to write articles for them where you wouldn't mind seeing my articles and they might gain some readership - please tell me or put it in the comments here.

I have certainly decided that I like writing in public forums and having my voice heard - when I get good or bad reactions. The reactions in themselves provide with information and learning about our human society and exposure to people that I would not normally (in my working and social life)

Alexander Flynn


Allana said...

I agree that our society does respond and react to the minority when it comes to complaints and views. Part of being humans with rights is to have the freedom to express what we feel, whether someone else likes it or not. If they don't like it than they have the freedom of choice of not reading it! It is quite unfortunate that society responds to these minorities so often. Look at what they are trying to do to our country, with trying to take God out of everything including the Pledge!
Even if you don't believe in God, it is still an integral part of American History and therefore should remain intact to ensure such history is not forever lost.
(You have the freedom to not say "god")

Allana said...

As far as InuYasha, my kids happen to like it too. I watched the InuYasha movie with them the other night. I like Japanimation and the fact that most of the time they incorporate the Romance element without being too obtrusive to the action. I won't let my kids watch hard-core anime though. It's much too graphic (for them).

Abwägen said...

Thanks for the great comments.

In terms of history - the "god" part of the pledge is relatively new - and was only created in a flare of patriotism and as a way to differentiate between us and the soviet union.

So, I have no problem with the pledge in general. But I do not think the "god" clause should remain.

There is something very 1984-esque about 'this is the way it has always been' or 'preserve our history' in regard to protecting the 'god' clause in the pledge.

It is in fact something the founding fathers would have fought against - regardless of their own religious views - because of the history of our country at that time. People were just coming out of religious governmental oppression and in MA - there was a very good example of why government and religion should remain separate - the Salem With Hunt.

Allana said...

Hmm. I suppose you do have a point there with the "god" thing in the pledge. However I thought it a slight bit outrageous when people became irate over a plaque of 10 commandments being in a courthouse. Again, it's presence does not force you to believe in them, nor does it necessarily say that everyone who presides in the courthouse believes in them. But they are some very good rules in general, whether you're Christian or not.
As far as the Salem Witch Hunt, I'd love to discuss that further. I loved studying that back in school. It's fascinating how caught up whole villages got in the whole craze. And horrific on how many deaths were caused.