Saturday, March 12, 2005

Things I would like to see in the Future Part I

Just a list here - of things I would like to see in the future. Perhaps my son in some future might read it and get some ideas of what his father was like. These are in no particular order.

1. Humanity travelling to other planets in the solar system as easily as we now travel across oceans to other continents.

2. Humanity meeting an alien species in some form. Alien being specific to non-Earth solar system organisms containing a similar or higher intelligence than humanity.

3. People check their religious beliefs at the door when applying for actions the government of everyone will be a party.

4. People to look up to scientists and hope that the scientists can do things to help make the future a better place.

5. People to understand in general that there is no such thing as perfection. Especially in regard to the human genome. There might be perfect in some particular aspect, but in reality perfect is a paradoxical word - nothing can be perfect because perfect implies perfect in all circumstances. A human who has been genetically modified to live underwater would not be the perfect human design to run a 100 meter race. Genetic modifications to make humanity better should be allowed. If we can improve ourselves on the individual level there is a chance that as a species we can improve.

6. A president that understands the ecological problems confronting our world - and is willing to use presidential orders to ensure that we minimize our impact on the environment.
a) A presidential order that states if inventions are created that would clearly improve the standard of live for people in general or vastly reduce the environmental impact of humans on Earth - these items are part of the publics best interest and cannot be purchased by a company and squelched from existence. I remember a ultrasonic clothes washer that I saw on the TV show beyond 2000 - and the fact that it would not be coming to the United States because some major manufacturer purchased the design and had no designs on bringing the chemically free clothes washer to market. Imagine, all the clothes detergent that would go not made, and not pollute our environment if it was brought to market. Al the fuel savings because none of those detergents would need to be transported. Waste of pollution, of time and lives for things that are not necessary - and for what - so people can make money helping other people have clean clothes.
b) A presidential order mandating that significant fuel savings via new technology must be implemented by automotive companies within a specific time frame. I do not see why 90% of consumer vehicles at this point in time cannot be hybrids. The savings goes beyond individual households saving money on fuel. Imagine millions of households not consuming as much gasoline this year as they did last year - vastly reducing the demand for gasoline. Prices would go down of gasoline, there would be less pollution in the air and the United States would be on the road to gasoline independence.
c) A presidential mandate that employees not go to physical workplaces whenever possible - to be enforced and audited by the government. Programmers, accountants and other people should almost never go to the work place. Businesses should help defray the costs of home offices and help people be able to work the vast majority of the time from home. This would also combine with the fuel savings mandate for hybrid vehicles to reduce the demand for gasoline in the United States.

That's all for now.


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