Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Thank ???

Whenever people thank god for someone surviving some biological malady - it makes me sick.

There is indeed reason for thanks when anti-biotics save a life.

There is indeed reason for thanks when an air-bag prevents a person from dying in a car accident. An accident that might have killed a person 20 years ago might not even send that person to the hospital now.

There is indeed reason for thanks when a surgery prevents an infected appendix from taking a life.

There is indeed reason for thanks when thousands of people survive and live healthy lives after cancer has struck at them.

There is indeed reason for thanks when computers are used in research that lead to life saving medicines or models of the human body that increase our understanding of our biological selves.

There is indeed a group of people, not god, gods or other supernatural creatures that should be thanked every time a life is saved, injury is prevented or our lives are in general better than they were in the past.

Thanks the scientists - who work every day to learn more about everything. Some of that everything is learning about the human body and creating new defenses for humanity against the many maladies that can strike at the human body.

Thank the engineers who work together as a group to create airbags in cars, safety glass, reflectors on the roads, better signal lights and tires that have better traction in the rain.

You can even thank the people that make laws for mandating that there be fire escapes on buildings.

Thank the computer scientists and engineers that constantly wear away at the barriers of computing speed.

But don't thank god. God and religion have always sided squarely on the side of keeping things they way they are. Knowledge is not something to be feared. In fact, it is unfortunate that Adam had to be tricked in to eating the apple from the tree of Knowledge of Good And Evil. Adam and every person should make the choice willingly to eat from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil - to do otherwise is to be a child - and earn only the responsibilities of a child.

Knoweldge - has a Good and Evil side to it. It all depends on how we apply it. Knowledge of Quantum Mechanics which travels down through Albert Einstein has enabled humanity to make remarkable computers. Knowledge of the General and Spacial Theory of Relativity endowed us with the ability to make nuclear weapons.

Increasingly in our society people are becoming anti-technology. They are becoming Luddites and are against scientific progress.

To them I say - you are hypocrites. It is only by the existence of technology that we live at all. The logistics of getting food from place to place, the engineering of tractor-trailer trucks to carry that food efficiently, the designing of traffic light systems that work appropriately. All of this is due to technology.

If you remove technology from our current context - many things would fail. Our ability to have food. Distribution of medicines that extend our lives. Our governments ability to communicate with itself, our people and other governments.

There is increasingly only one path for us to follow - as our population grows. Technology and Science.

So, thank a scientist the next time you go to the doctor and they provide you with medicine to quell high blood pressure.

Thank an engineer for making your car safe, relatively efficient and capable.

Thank the existence of computers for the many advances in science, engineering and design that make our lives safer.

But do not thank god, gods or other supernatural entities. They did not want this. We are responsible for ourselves and our future. The best way for us to take care of ourselves in the future is to become more knowledgeable about ourselves and our universe. And there is only one path to more knowledge of this sort - science and technology.

No amount of praying is going to produce an anti-biotic. No amount of praying is going to help us ensure that everyone in the world has the capability of having a meal when they need it.

But scientists can produce anti-biotics and medicines.

And people, like you and me are responsible for making it so everyone that wants to eat, can (unless of course they are a fashion model and have no wish to eat on a regular basis).

So, I say my thanks for my Thanksgiving Turkey pre-maturely this year.

Thank the truck driver for bringing the turkey to the supermarket.
Thank the engineer who designed the truck to be more efficient, safe and reliable now than they have ever been in the past.
Thank the scientists for creating medicines helping the people I love live longer lives and more thanksgivings to enjoy.
Thank the computer engineers and scientists for designing computers to help us better understand ourselves and make sure there are even more Thanksgivings to enjoy.
Thank the people who make laws for allowing traffic lights to regulate traffic - so that there is not anarchy on the streets and unnecessary deaths on the roads.

And god who is a supernatural, omnipotent, omniscient entity can take care of himself.


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