Wednesday, January 05, 2005


This blog is essentially something I want for my son to read someday. It is better than keeping a journal on paper, because that paper will perhaps one day be lost. Also, I am going to keep my identity and the names of anyone mentioned out of this, he will be able to figure it out (one hopes). My son is 21 months old now, and appears to be developing slighly ahead of the norm. But there are many things that I believe and I think that are counter to the main stream of United States society at present - and perhaps on in to the foreseeable future.
I have it out here on the web - able to be browsed by anybody, perhaps for comment - and if there are comments my son will (eventaully) see that there are other view points than mine out there.
I am especially concerned that if I should pass from existence, my son will be taken care of largely by people that do not think as I do. I consider environment a stronger force in development than genetics, although of course genetics plays a role.
If I can keep this up - maybe I'll generate some ideas for my own writing - I have always wanted to be a science fiction writer. I generate the occasional good idea. But of course, as the science fiction writers out there will tell you - generating the idea and writing a book about it are two different things. I even remember a science fiction writer stating at a WorldCon or perhaps an editorial in a Analog/Asimov's magazine, that there is little fear in giving workshops on science fiction writing, because so few actually make a good work of science fiction to be printed.

Anyway, that is enough for now. I have lots written in previous journals that perhaps I will bring up to this blog. Some of it should be of interest (one hopes).


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