Monday, June 18, 2007

Republicans Make US Government Look Bad

Reference: this article

Summary of article: Republicans, some high ranking officials, have e-mail addresses with the Republican National Committee and the contents of those accounts have been deleted.

On this surface this isn't a big deal. Technically speaking, the RNC is a private organization. The members of our government are also private individuals.

The problem arises that is it possible to be a servant of the government at high levels and continue to have private communications that are completely separate from their private lives especially in regard to political party communications. Communications of public officials need to be saved and recorded and available for review in the case that they use private communications for official communications.

The deletion of these e-mails and e-mail accounts raises the possibility of unethical, illegal or problematic communications having occurred in this medium. As an official, they should have known that such activity would raise concerns - and once again on an international stage questions are raised about just how 'good' our government is.

So, the web site and Chinese news outlet Xinhua writes an article that really just has the implication that our government is infiltrated with corruption. Certainly, there isn't any question of the appearance of impropriety. The question is, was there illegal activity?

A question that might be extremely difficult to answer given the deletion of the e-mail accounts and e-mails.

But then again, as a member of the programming population of the world, I understand that few things are completely deleted.

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