Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Honor Killing - a Lifestyle Choice

Honor killings are back in the news with the recent death of Banaz Mahmod Aga in England. Honor killings are a perversion of justice in that they pitch the ones that should protect you as the perpetrators of your destruction. This case, like the case publicized with video in Iraq, involves family members, this time father and uncle - instigating the death of the daughter/niece.

I have visited England on two occasions and have family located in the country. When I was there I found to my consternation at the time that it was far more a liberal place to live than the United States of America. Now, I understand more about the USA I see that many places in Europe are much more liberal on many levels than people in the USA. It seems to me that anyone growing up in England would get a course in understanding about romantic love and the idea that your live is what you make of it - not the choices made for you by other people.

It is an effort by the past to control the future. In typical fashion this is the efforts of the men to control and subjugate women and keep it that way.

Again, the event center around Kurds. It seems they teach as a founding lesson that killing a person is much better than living with them as the person they have grown to be. In this specific case it seems that the father arranged a marriage for the daughter to a man, it turns out was very violent and apparently felt wife-beating is a virtue.

So, she left him, and fell in love with another man. Daddy and uncle felt he was a bad choice (even though this man was also a Kurd of some sort as well) and decided that as a child might destroy a toy that accidently hurt their hand, they would lash out at the daughter/niece and kill her horribly.

The fact that they were able to find five young men who apparently felt this was OK and killing her by choking her to death with shoe strings and then damaging her body and throwing it in to a suitcase which they then buried in someone else's garden - is despicable as well.

What exactly happened?

"Oh, by the way, my daughter is seeing a man that I don't like, can you please kill her horribly as a lesson to all women that they should not defy the men?"

"Duh-huh, yeah boss, that sounds like a great thing to do. I think I'll even get some of my buddies to help, since I'm not man enough to be able to take a woman out by myself."

"OK, good job, the priests will remember you well for your purification efforts."

Here are apparently a list of other women, killed for who they love, killed for doing their jobs, killed for having jobs. What exactly are humans? It is to be hoped that I am not the same species as these people.

So, as we rapidly approach father's day - we should all ponder that not all father's should be rewarded for the things they are willing to do to their daughters.

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