Monday, January 16, 2006


I'm going to be writing an article on Death - but I never seem to be able to finish it.

My mother-in-law died on Christmas day - very suddenly - and this leads my thoughts to travel to thoughts about death.

So, I haven't written much on my blog or on the Useless-knowledge website. In fact, I've written nothing.

Hopefully, I'll be able to come up with some content sometime. The reality is that either in work, after work hobbies or other activities - I've been having trouble concentrating and completing my tasks. I have lots of things to write articles about - but I keep returning to my article on death, which I can't seem to finish.

In the beginning, this blog was written so my son would have resources about me - other than the spoken word by others, about who I am and things like that.

Well, I can say somethings to tell him about himself of the past when he reads this in the future.

Of the grandparents, your Grandmother on your mother's side was the one you were closest to - and she played with you and seemed ready to watch you at a moments notice whenever we needed her help. Seemingly swollowed up in to a black hole at our house and foregoing making dinner for your grandfather and other things to watch you or sometimes just to help us with you.

More about this I suspect will show up in my article - which - who knows - perhaps no one will read. It seemed though that she was happiest when she spent time with you, my son.



Allana said...

Hi. Haven't visited in a while. I would like to see what you end up writing about Death. Everyone has such different views about it. When my mom passed away it happened to be the day after New Years. She stuck it through the holidays. She was very sick so we knew it was forthcoming, but had been told she could have a few more years. So it was rather sudden when she did end up passing. My children have had 2 grandparents pass. My oldest is the only one who knew them both. I remember even a year after her grandpa died, just out of the blue she'd mention something about him watching from heaven. I think children can teach us alot about how to deal with Death.
PS. you seem to be attracting spam comments now. you may want to turn on word verification to help cut back on that.

Abwägen said...

Thank you for the tip on the word verification.
I had written quite a bit about death in my article... But I will have to review it and finish it sometime. The frustrating thing is that I had many relevant thoughts about death afterwards, but it seemed like I had little ability to organize my thoughts.
Thanks for your encouragement; although, I suspect few people will agree with my thoughts on death.
