Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Playful destruction of electronic products

This is just purely informational for my son - if he ever gets the chance to read these blogs when he gets older.

I have always loved to tinker with electronic gadgets. Owning a gadget is just not enough. I want to see what's inside - change what is inside and all sorts of things like that.

I have spent time with RC Cars - and while I couldn't say I'm a cheif engineer or anything like that - I have fun with it.

It seems you like doing stuff like that too. You have tried helping me work on momma's computer on a few occasions and are always quick to grab the screwdriver - even if you don't quite know what to do with it yet.

In the future - who knows what things you'll be able to tinker with. One hopes that you'll have more time to do the things you want than I do.


PC Case Mod

I have found a new hobby that I enjoy doing. Who knows maybe I'll eve become good at it someday. It is PC case modding. I might even try my hand at overclocking CPU chips if I can get the cooling to work well enough through case mods.

The ultimate mod right now that I want to do - would be to add water cooling to my wife's shuttle computer. There certainly isn't enough room on the inside of the case for the extra equipment, but that doesn't mean that I couldn't mount the radiator, pump and reservoir outside of the case and just send the tubing in to the computer.

There are also complete external units that I might be able to purchase - and just sit it on top of my wife's computer and send the tubing in to do the cooling job. :)

Let's just hope I don't blow anything up.


Living Will - Living Dead

In recent events a woman who has been brain-dead for 15 years has been part of a vicious struggle between her husband and her parents on pulling the life-support equipment and allowing her to die.

Some people know who I am as I write these blogs. There is little doubt in my mind – that should I become PVS (Persistently Vegetative State) that I should not be kept alive with extreme measures. I would never want the resources of my family to be dedicated to me if there is little chance that I would return to beneficial life.

There have been cases where people have been misdiagnosed with PVS. So, I would hope that people should be certain with multiple doctors’ opinions and backed up with medical proof that certain parts of my brain are no longer functioning and are in fact reduced in capabilities. Even with the possibility of return – I am not sure that after 15 years I would want to return – with probable diminished capacity and likely a family who is in debt for thousands to millions of dollars just keeping me alive.

So, a bunch of laws were made in the hopes of keeping Terri Schiavo alive beyond her body’s ability to keep her alive. Her mind has long since been gone. An opportunity for laws that make sense has been lost.

If enough people think this is an issue – then a law should be made requiring people to indicate their wishes in terms of a living will. Then there would be clarity – at least in regards to the person who is in a coma – of what they would want in those kinds of circumstances. And if you do not fill out a living will there should be defaults in place – in favor of life.
